Changes to our Shipping Policy
Effective 20/12/2021
After much deliberation we have decided to remove our "Free Shipping" option on all our protectors and instead charge a small shipping charge on each order.
Please see below for more information:
Why have we done this?
By charging shipping at checkout this will allow us to among other things offer discounts across our entire range (we used to have to exclude our unique protectors from discounts and offers)
Previously our prices included a component for shipping fees and it we recieved a lot of feedback that people felt they were paying twice if they ordered multiples of the same item, We agree so from now on you will only see the true cost of the items and you can add as many to your cart as you wish.
We tried to counter this by offering a discount automatically when you added multiple items to your cart, this simply was not enough and we have heard all the feedback.
Thank you for your understanding and for choosing Collect Protect